∷∴ Beauty Of Life ∴∷

When YoU wAnNa YoUr LiFe To Be WuNdeRFuL, OnLy YoU'Re ThE OnE WhO KnOwS HoW To!

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Headache.. headache..
Last night skip my tuition... watch DVD "Godfather".. Cool politician movie.. ^-^
Now I understand why people love politics. Their well-known for well-known people.

I am getting sleep after this.. Well, a good news i heard this morning in the radio! Sex could make you smarter because it excite your brain.. *-^ hehehe.. I mean good news for married people.. Not young people.. cause I dont encourage u guys to do it be4 married!

ZzzzzzZZZZzzZZzZZZzzzzzz.... ^o^zzz