∷∴ Beauty Of Life ∴∷

When YoU wAnNa YoUr LiFe To Be WuNdeRFuL, OnLy YoU'Re ThE OnE WhO KnOwS HoW To!

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Mother DaY CoMinG!

Everyone has a mother. Chances are, this woman has lovingly prepared, served and cleaned up after thousands upon thousands of delicious and nourishing meals for you. Now's the time to show her just how much you appreciate all she's done for you over the years by showering her with love every moment, presenting her with custom-made gifts, and cooking especially for her this Mother's Day!
I feel so great to know SLC group.. I didnt know why, but this is the first time I enjoy very much doing project.. ^-^ Thanks a lot guys! Well, this project almost over. I hope we still keep in touch yah!

Well, today went to KTV.. most of the time not singing.. but throwing the food here and there.. The place became so disgusting. One of my friend vomitted when he laugh too much.. yuckS! I dunno how the worker going to clean all that..