∷∴ Beauty Of Life ∴∷

When YoU wAnNa YoUr LiFe To Be WuNdeRFuL, OnLy YoU'Re ThE OnE WhO KnOwS HoW To!

Thursday, July 08, 2004

I was so stressed up with myself..

Starting from my nightmare every night.. These few days always wake up in the middle of the night and feel so sad. And I could just cry hysterically like a mad gal.. I feel really lost.

Today I totally lost about the JAVA UT. I knew I will flunk this test.. The lowest grade I'll ever see. I already try hard yesterday to stay and learn as much as I can from the workshop but at home I just couldnt help my self to have rest. I was trying to stay awake by reading the newspaper but my eyes were painful. So I off the light and fall asleep till 2 o'clock. I woke up.. stare blanking on the ceiling and all the sad memory comes back to my mind. That is the worse time in my day.. everyday..

When I was at my childhood, I always had a nightmare where I will suddenly woke up at 5 o'clock because falling from a my house's stair. It always a shock wake up. These this is no longer in me since I was secondary..

But now.. the dream is worse than I had previously.. (I had no guts to tell anyone about it)... Lets remain it as a mistery for the readers..

I would said that today was my unlucky day. I did YA powerpoint for 2 days.. and this morning I completely delete that without my knowledge. WHen I realise it was not longer in my lappy.. I have to redo everything again... Saddd...

I hope to get some rest within this week. This few days have been so tiring for me. But no matter how tired am I, I'll still woke up in the middle of the night. Just remember it make me feel so sad.

My oversea friends are coming to Singapore. I hope I could accompany them while they're here. I treassure a lot my friendship. I hope I could always be bring a little happiness to others. Maybe in that way, my family will get the good fortune from others too.