∷∴ Beauty Of Life ∴∷

When YoU wAnNa YoUr LiFe To Be WuNdeRFuL, OnLy YoU'Re ThE OnE WhO KnOwS HoW To!

Monday, July 17, 2006

How could I block something I dont want to think of?
How could I forget all the past?
Will it do me any good?

I have a little zombie in me
Struggling to be an angel
I feel like crying and laughing at the same time
I dont understand myself anymore

God said I need to choose
But I am a flicker minded
Repeating mistake that I did
Making me loosing my own grip
I am in lost

How could I stand when I dont feel having a leg?
How could I run when I cant breath properly?

Bring me fly high up
Show me that I am good, I am strong
This world is not for me
My world is with Him

I need Your wing
To cover me
I need Your touch
To make me feel safe
I need You forever
Dont You ever leave me
Cause I cant go on my own

I am a weak tiny girl
But I am willing to walk and bring that CROSS..
Cause I know I am not alone
Deep within I have You, you and you..