∷∴ Beauty Of Life ∴∷

When YoU wAnNa YoUr LiFe To Be WuNdeRFuL, OnLy YoU'Re ThE OnE WhO KnOwS HoW To!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

I began to enjoy myself staying at home. I felt so much different nowadays. I love being on my bed.. enjoy listen and sing non-stop.. haha.. Maybe I already began to love myself! Yeah I learn how to love myself! I am not going to let anything anyone control myself! Noway man! unless.. my God and parents.. hehe..
They are so important to me! Yeah! I love them!

I will miss all my friends in Singapore.. ^^ Hope they enjoyed their holiday as much as I do.. And hope they miss me too.. \(^-^)/

Yesterday.. quarrel with my sis.. Am I not being a gud sister? Hmm.. I can become very angry when my own family trying to be so calculative to me.. I dont want MONEY take over my family peace! Some how I fear that it might happened one day. Money, Love and Power always make people crazy.. make people lost their mind.. and do stupid action.